Who writes technical documentation?
It should come as no surprise that technical documentation writing comes from technical documentation writers.
They know how to write and organize technical documentation and how to create technical documentation of your product. Then the technical translation agency steps in to translate it from English to Japanese, or from French to German, or any other language pair you can imagine.
We’ve answered the questions, “What is technical translation?” and “What does technical translation mean?” as well as the “Who writes technical documentation?” Now we can tackle how technical translation can help in business.
To do that, we’ll first need to ask:
Why is technical documentation important?
Technical translation is important because it guarantees your client’s clear understanding of your product and its usage. Technical documentation is made up of technical documentation diagrams curated by technical documentation specialists to precisely indicate what your product is, how it works, and why your clients need it.
Okay, so technical documentation such as owner’s manuals and installation manuals help to communicate why your product is needed and how to use it. But how is technical translation important?
How can technical translation help in business?

Technical translation communicates the vital information about your product into other languages: Spanish, Hindi, Tamil, Vietnamese, Chinese, French, Greek, Bangla—you name it, someone out there is doing some highly technical translation into foreign languages—possibly even languages you’ve never heard of!
Translations for parts manuals, installation manuals, and catalogs help broaden the market for your product. If you want to sell internationally or increase sales even domestically, technical translation is important. And to achieve great technical translations, you’ll need technical translators. This is not to be confused with technical writers: technical writers and technical translators are not the same.3
As we reviewed earlier, technical writers use technical translation techniques to maintain consistency in word usage. Technical translators are the ones who take this content and write it into another language. Of course, technical translation rates will vary from company to company.
We’re a technical documentation company that also deals with technical translation—so you don’t have to!
You’ll be relieved to know that at CPG Documentation LLC, we do it all—and at competitive prices. We’re a technical documentation company as well as a technical translation agency. Whether your project involves the technical translation of a service manual from English to Vietnamese or technical equipment from French to Russian, our technical translation methods have been refined by technical translation strategies and technical translation techniques (try saying that ten times fast). All this guarantees clear understanding of your refined products in any language.
As technical documentation and technical translation company, we have a lot of experience in the industries we provide services for.
This includes technical documentation and technical translation in the food processing industry, manufacturing, construction, and so much more. From provided services like commercial food serving systems technical writing and electric motors service manuals to water processing and conditioning equipment operator’s manuals and more, our technical translation can help your business.
Still confused about technical documentation and technical translation? Give us a call. CPG is here to help.
1: https://archive.org/details/technicaltransla00byrn
2: https://journals.scholarsportal.info/details?uri=/0907676x/v10i0004/247_ttard
3: https://www.jstor.org/stable/43094879?seq=1
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