Rebranding technical documentation after a merger or acquisition is essential for maintaining your brand identity. CPG can adapt your acquired technical documents to align with your current style, terminology, and formatting standards, whether they are minor adjustments or a complete overhaul.
Rebranding Services
- Placing acquired content into your existing in-house format/templates to match existing documentation standards, such as:
- Placing text/graphics into an existing template
- Updating color schemes
- Replacing logos
- Updating fonts
- Updating text to mention preferential terminology.
- Adjusting and/or rewriting text to mirror your preferred manner of writing and tone.
- Converting documents from legacy formats into your preferred format.
- Updating or creating graphics to mirror rebranding adjustments to acquired equipment, such as adding labels with the new logo.
Advantages of Rebranding Acquired Technical Documents
- Creates one cohesive brand image.
- Look more professional through document consistency, both within a file and from document to document.
- Provides a seamless user experience by matching the style of the new documents to those your customer is used to.
- Creates a more future-proof document since the revised material will meet current company documentation standards, leading to less future rework.