Category: Blog

How Technical Translation Can Help in Business (And How CPG Can Help You!)

Who writes technical documentation? It should come as no surprise that technical documentation writing comes from technical documentation writers. They know how to write and organize technical documentation and how to create technical documentation of your product. Then the technical translation agency steps in to translate it from English to Japanese, or from French to… Read more »

Local Technical Documentation Agency with Global Outreach!

Deep-fried cheese curds, custard ice cream, and local brews: These are but some of the local delicacies we’re familiar with as a Wisconsin-based company doing business here for the last 65 years. In fact, Wisconsin has been rated number six as one of the best states to live in. It’s not hard to imagine why.

The Importance of Human Translation and Localization

translation localization sign

Computers might still beat us in chess, but the checkmate is ours when it comes to human translation and localization. Have you ever seen a poorly-translated sign, menu, or sightseeing pamphlet while traveling abroad? Perhaps you’ve seen them even without leaving the country: Assembly directions with strange phrases or word usage that stilt your reading… Read more »

Why Can Spanish Document Translation Be So Difficult?

Have you ever wondered why we ask: “What is your target market for the translation?” Anyone who works with translation knows that it usually involves subtlety and nuance. Every language has dialects and regional differences that can vary from an accent to entire additional verb tense.

Know Your Translation Memory: Fuzzy Match

A “Fuzzy Match” isn’t a fire hazard; it’s an indication of how well SDL TradosTM recognizes a text segment in a document. Translation Memory (TM) programs look for segments in memory… that have enough content in common with the current document segment for the translation memory to be of use for translation. The match is… Read more »

Diving into Technical Language Illustrations

Introduction to Technical Language Illustrations Your company is looking to expand into a new global marketplace, and you’ll be responsible for developing and executing a plan to get the support material into the target language. If your plan goes well, the translated technical documentation will go a long way in keeping your new customers happy… Read more »

Technical Illustrations: CAD Files

Introduction on technical Illustrations of CAD files The ability to clearly communicate correct manufacturing, installation, and maintenance procedures is essential to optimal product performance and a successful business. Producing documents with no clear style or structure, including the style of illustrations, can result in a bad user experience, more calls for help, and eventually a… Read more »

Technical Illustrations: Translation and Localization

technical illustrations CPG Documentation LLC

When communicating complex information or instructions to a global audience, graphics can convey the message quickly and clearly. Sometimes, though, words are necessary in illustrations. When documents get translated to a target market, those words need to be translated as well. Sometimes it is the images themselves that need to be localized to avoid confusion…. Read more »

Technical Illustrations: An Overview

technical illustrations CPG Documentation LLC

In today’s global market, illustrations can save time and money and improve accuracy when producing documentation. But knowing when and how to use illustrations is the key to producing successful documents.

Website Translation: Keys to Success

CPG offers website translation services

A well-translated website is an impressive way to boost your presence in the international market. A high quality translation will make it easier for new and existing partner organizations and customers to access information about your company, services, and products. This article outlines three essential and integral processes—Translation, Localization, and Customization—along with some helpful tips,… Read more »