Tag: CPG Translation Services

Website Translation: Keys to Success

CPG offers website translation services

A well-translated website is an impressive way to boost your presence in the international market. A high quality translation will make it easier for new and existing partner organizations and customers to access information about your company, services, and products. This article outlines three essential and integral processes—Translation, Localization, and Customization—along with some helpful tips, for how to build a multilingual website that is not only accurate to the meaning of the original text, but… Read more »

Tips — Writing for Translations

How to write Translations. CPG offers translation services

How to Write Translations – Tips Applying the following methods will ease translation and help to avoid the misinterpretation that often results in translation errors. This will help you determine how to write translations. Avoid random or unnecessary capital letters. Extra capital letters in English can fool the translator into assuming more words are brand names or proper nouns, changing how the text is translated. Even consider moving your corporate style toward upper case or “sentence… Read more »

Translation Memory: Overview, Benefits, and Common Questions

Translation Memory: Overview, Benefits, and Common Questions. CPG Translation Services

Translation Memory: Overview A translation memory (TM) is a bilingual database or software system that stores translated content and automatically suggests these stored translations when used with computer-assisted translation software (aka CAT tools). The entries in the database consists segments of text, such as words, sentences, and paragraphs[1][2]. For example, consider the description below this famous painting by René Magritte:

Machine Translation: What Is It and How Should It Be Used?

Machine Translation: What Is It and How Should It Be Used? CPG Translation Services

What is Machine Translation? Machine Translation (MT) is the process by which computer software is used to translate text from one language to another (e.g. French into English). There are three general types of MT, each with their own set of strengths and weaknesses, covered in further detail at the end of this article ([1]) ([2]).